Patricia's Daycare in Cambridge daycare openings, reviews and ratings

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Patricia's Daycare - Daycare Information And Reviews

CAUTION: always verify the credentials of the child care provider before placing your child in daycare. We do not endorse any daycare centres, nor do we check their credibility. Here are some points to consider while choosing a daycare center

Daycare's location map and information

McLaughlin Street
Cambridge ON
Age groups:
Infant Toddler Kindergarten Preschool Schoolage
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Daycare Openings, Description and Features

Daycare description / philosophy

Hi, I am a loving childcare provider with more than 17 years experience. My home based day care has a great reputation in the community with excellent references.

My daycare has lots of activities with daily trips to local parks, playgroups and other seasonal programs. I run my business from my home which is close to schools and Hespeler Park. It has a dedicated play space indoors.

I offer nutritious snacks and hot lunches. In door activities include play based learning activities with lots of crafts.

I am CPR and First Aid trained an offer tax receipts.

If you would like additional information of would like to drop by for a visit please call Patricia at 519-220-0067. If we are outside please leave a voicemail and I will call you back right away.

Patricia - 519-220-0067

Daycare Features

  • Full-time spaces
  • Part-time spaces
  • Air Conditioned
  • Cook Onsite
  • Playground available

Hours of Operation

07:30am - 04:30pm
07:30am - 04:30pm
07:30am - 04:30pm
07:30am - 04:30pm
07:30am - 04:30pm

Summary of reviews and ratings of Patricia's Daycare

The reviews and comments are community contributed content and are not based on investigative or verified data. It is merely a participant's opinion and should not be used as facts. ALWAYS investigate a childcare provider on your own!

Endorsed by
Overall Score
  • Staff
  • Hygiene
  • Ratios
  • Facilities
  • Equipment
  • Curriculum
  • Attention
  • Meals
  • Fees

Daycare Reviews

100%approvedPatricia is a dedicated child care provider. Her program offers the experi.....December 01, 2014details

1 reviews found

List of daycares near Patricia's Daycare

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Redwood Avenue, Cambridge
Age groups not available
Marston Crescent, Cambridge
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