Aunty Michelle's Home DayCare in Georgetown daycare openings, reviews and ratings

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Aunty Michelle's Home DayCare - Daycare Information And Reviews

CAUTION: always verify the credentials of the child care provider before placing your child in daycare. We do not endorse any daycare centres, nor do we check their credibility. Here are some points to consider while choosing a daycare center

Daycare's location map and information

weber Drive
Georgetown ON
Delerex/Weber Drive
Age groups:
Infant Toddler Kindergarten Preschool Schoolage
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Daycare Openings, Description and Features

Daycare description / philosophy

I am very experienced and dedicated to providing a safe and happy Daycare environment for your little ones. We like to listen to kids music on a regular bases, sing and play throughout the day. I have a lot of awesome toys that are at all levels and I switch them up constantly so their never bored. I really make them feel special, important and most of all loved. We are great with manners, and sharing, a no yelling atmosphere:)
I ensure Crafts, Circle Time,Stories and Pre-school learning are part of our daily routine. We take full advantage of the weather :) rain or shine we have a great time.
I provide healthy meals, good old home cooking, pancakes, fruit bowls, grilled cheese, yogurts. Basically try to hit all the food groups throughout the day as best as I can. I do not like a hungry belly:)
Criminal Record Check, C.P.R Trained, and well educated!
I do provide receipts. Feel free too message or call me @ 905-965-6422 to discuss your needs today.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Daycare Features

  • Full-time spaces
  • Part-time spaces
  • Air Conditioned
  • Cook Onsite
  • Playground available

Hours of Operation

06:30am - 05:30pm
06:30am - 05:30pm
06:30am - 05:30pm
06:30am - 05:30pm
06:30am - 05:30pm
07:00am - 05:00pm

Summary of reviews and ratings of Aunty Michelle's Home DayCare

The reviews and comments are community contributed content and are not based on investigative or verified data. It is merely a participant's opinion and should not be used as facts. ALWAYS investigate a childcare provider on your own!

Daycare Reviews

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List of daycares near Aunty Michelle's Home DayCare

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