Hami's+Playhouse+InfantandToddler+Daycare coquitlam daycare listing rating child care review

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Hami's+Playhouse+InfantandToddler+Daycare - Child Care Review And Scores

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Hami's+Playhouse+InfantandToddler+Daycare - daycare location and information

1158 Hansard Cr Close to Coquitlam Centre
Coquitlam BC
Mariner Way/Dewdney Trunk Rd
Age groups:
Infant Toddler
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Details of the review and rating of Hami's+Playhouse+InfantandToddler+Daycare

The reviews and comments are community contributed content and are not based on investigative or verified data. It is mearly a participant's opinion and should not be used as facts. ALWAYS investigate a childcare provider on your own!

Review Score
  • Staff
  • Hygiene
  • Ratios
  • Facilities
  • Equipment
  • Curriculum
  • Attention
  • Meals
  • Fees
user comment

November 27 2014

Hami’s Playhouse has been a blessing in our lives. The first day we have brought our son to Hami’s he felt welcomed and loved instantly. The care provided has been more then exceptional for our son Jace. There is no better feeling then full trust and love from someone who will be caring for your child and Hami has given that to us. Jace has learnt so much being here by using sign language when he could not use words yet, playing with others, and reaching all his milestones at a great pace and all this learning was also given with great care, fun and unconditional love. We are very sad that we will be leaving Hami’s. We highly recommend anyone looking for child care to come to Hami’s, we went to many care providers and no one has given us the instant trust and warm feeling that Hami’s did as soon as you walk into her home. I hope to be back with our next little one! We will miss you Hami & Marity but will be sure to visit. Cindy, Corneil & Jace Pal

List of daycares near Hami's+Playhouse+InfantandToddler+Daycare

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2813 Glen Drive, Coquitlam
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