Shelly's+Home+Daycare scarborough daycare listing rating child care review

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Shelly's+Home+Daycare - Child Care Review And Scores

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Shelly's+Home+Daycare - daycare location and information

Archibald Mews
Scarborough ON
Age groups:
Infant Toddler Preschool
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Details of the review and rating of Shelly's+Home+Daycare

The reviews and comments are community contributed content and are not based on investigative or verified data. It is mearly a participant's opinion and should not be used as facts. ALWAYS investigate a childcare provider on your own!

Review Score
  • Staff
  • Hygiene
  • Ratios
  • Facilities
  • Equipment
  • Curriculum
  • Attention
  • Meals
  • Fees
user comment

September 11 2012

I am very happy to have found this daycare for my son and possibly for my daughter. The staff there are so attentive and focussed on child development for all ages. My son came home one day at 18 months counting to 25 and singing the ABC along with many other songs. He learned how to share and play nice with other children smaller and bigger then him. The staff call me if he was acting unusual or if he has a diaper rash or if he didnt eat well etc. They are concerned like my son is their son and that is what I look for in childcare. The price is competitive with other home cares - not cheap but you pay for what you get. Average cost in Scarborough is 30-40 dollars a day and they meet the average. I hope when my daughter is old enough i can take her there too.

List of daycares near Shelly's+Home+Daycare

42 Charles St E, Toronto
Infant spaces offeredToddler spaces offeredPreschool spaces offeredKindergarten spaces not offeredSchoolage spaces not offered
35 Charles St W, Toronto
Age groups not available
160 Bloor St. E., Suite 160, Toronto
Infant spaces offeredToddler spaces offeredPreschool spaces offeredKindergarten spaces offeredSchoolage spaces offered
160 Bloor St E, Toronto
Infant spaces offeredToddler spaces offeredPreschool spaces offeredKindergarten spaces not offeredSchoolage spaces not offered
0.4 km - Zoe Day Care
12 Mc Murrich S, Toronto
Age groups not available

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