British Columbia daycare centers, daycare reviews and ratings, listings of caregivers child care in British Columbia

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British Columbia Daycare Centres With Ratings And Reviews By City

Select a city in British Columbia to get a listing of daycares. If you came to the wrong province from the search engine, you can change the province by selecting one of the options on the right.

The following list contains cities in British Columbia with no daycare centres currently available in our database. If you are daycare owner, you can be the first one to advertise your daycare facility in your city,

Brief British Columbia daycare information

There are approximately 5,200 licenced Child Care Facilities in British Columbia. BC law states that caregivers, who provide care for more then two children that are not related, must be licenced. licenced child care programs must meet the requirements of the Community Care Facility Act and the Child Care Licensing Regulation. British columbia offers Child Care subsidy programs through the local Ministry of Children and Family Development ofices.

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