Halton Hills Childcare Centre in Georgetown daycare openings, reviews and ratings

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Halton Hills Childcare Centre - Daycare Information And Reviews

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Daycare's location map and information

60 Park Avenue
Georgetown ON
Age groups:
Infant Toddler Kindergarten Preschool Schoolage
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Daycare Openings, Description and Features

Daycare description / philosophy

Our goal is to provide a safe, clean, and nurturing environment where children can learn, have fun, and grow to their fullest potential.

We are a non-profit organization offering full and part time care for children ages 6 months to School age.

Our hours of operation are from
6:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We are licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Education for a total of 108 children.

Program Statement
At Halton Hills Child Care Centre, we understand how children think and grow. We know thatchildren learn through play. Our program is designed to guide the children to become independent, self-confident, inquisitive learners in a safe, secure and loving environment.
Within in our program statement are strategies outlining how we will achieve our goals. We begin by seeing the children as competent, capable, curious and rich in potential; each with unique personalities and individual needs.

Halton Hills Child Care Centre believes in providing the highest possible standard of service to all the children and families that are a part of our program. Our child care providers utilize the documents ELECT – Early Learning for Every Child Today, Think, Feel, Act, and How Does
Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years as set out by the Ministry of Education under the Child Care and Early Years Act. The following foundations ensure optimal learning and development. These foundations set the goals and expectations for our program.
Belonging Every child has a sense of belonging when he or she is connected to others and contributes to the world.

Well-being Every child is developing a sense of self, health, and well-

Engagement Every child is an active and engaged learner who explores the world with body, mind, and senses.

Expression Every child is a capable communicator who expresses himself or herself in many ways.

We know children flourish in a loving and caring environment where child care providers are responsive to the children’s daily needs.

Daycare Features

  • Full-time spaces
  • Part-time spaces
  • Air Conditioned
  • Subsidies Available
  • Security equipped
  • Cook Onsite
  • Licensed centre
  • Playground available

Hours of Operation

06:45am - 06:00pm
06:45am - 06:00pm
06:45am - 06:00pm
06:45am - 06:00pm
06:45am - 06:00pm

Summary of reviews and ratings of Halton Hills Childcare Centre

The reviews and comments are community contributed content and are not based on investigative or verified data. It is merely a participant's opinion and should not be used as facts. ALWAYS investigate a childcare provider on your own!

Daycare Reviews

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List of daycares near Halton Hills Childcare Centre

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