BG'S HOME DAYCARE in Scarborough daycare openings, reviews and ratings

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BG'S HOME DAYCARE - Daycare Information And Reviews

CAUTION: always verify the credentials of the child care provider before placing your child in daycare. We do not endorse any daycare centres, nor do we check their credibility. Here are some points to consider while choosing a daycare center

Daycare's location map and information

Scarborough ON
Age groups:
Infant Toddler Kindergarten Preschool Schoolage
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Daycare Openings, Description and Features

Daycare description / philosophy

Dear families,

I'm providing child care services full time/ part time in my smoke free, friendly, and caring environment. Being a parent, I can feel what parents want for their children. All parents want caring, friendly, fun, and a learning environment for their children. Which I'm willing to provide in my caring environment.

I’m an Early Childhood Educator with First Aid and CPR. I have worked in Elementary schools for four years with different age groups. It has been15 years working in nursuries, schools and daycare. I love working with children by helping them learn.

I can look after your child by having fun and learning activities with them.

I have set an area for play base learning. I have big fenced front yard with a play ground set and back yard with fun activities.We go to the closest school park (5 minutes walk) for physical and cognitive development, library, to learn to be socialize and learning with their age fellows, early years, and community centers for age appropriate programs. I have a daily schedule for breakfast/ lunch/ snack time, circle time for stories, poems, songs, group play, free play, teamwork, sharing, and caring. We have set weekly/ monthly themes based on my playbase learning curriculum to enhance their Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Arts skills, and physical & cognitive development, and gross motor skills. Our special time for music class is around 11:45- 12:15.

Hours: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Ages: 12 months to 7 years

-Two snacks and one meal is included
-Daily reports sent home
-Clean environment
-Smoke free/Pet free daycare
-Quiet residential setting close to parks and library.
-Police Check, Reference check and letters of recommendation.
Feel free to contact at : 647-709-9196 or 416-429-9196

Thank you for visiting my profile

Daycare Features

  • Full-time spaces
  • Part-time spaces
  • Air Conditioned
  • Security equipped
  • Cook Onsite
  • Playground available

Hours of Operation

07:30am - 05:30pm
07:30am - 05:30pm
07:30am - 05:30pm
07:30am - 05:30pm
07:30am - 05:30pm

Summary of reviews and ratings of BG'S HOME DAYCARE

The reviews and comments are community contributed content and are not based on investigative or verified data. It is merely a participant's opinion and should not be used as facts. ALWAYS investigate a childcare provider on your own!

Endorsed by
Overall Score
  • Staff
  • Hygiene
  • Ratios
  • Facilities
  • Equipment
  • Curriculum
  • Attention
  • Meals
  • Fees

Daycare Reviews

93%approvedMrs. Barjees took care of my two sons. We went to few other daycare but the.....January 22, 2017details

1 reviews found

List of daycares near BG'S HOME DAYCARE

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Age groups not available

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