Dominion Heights Daycare in Regina daycare openings, reviews and ratings

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Dominion Heights Daycare - Daycare Information And Reviews

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Daycare's location map and information

Broadway Ave
Regina SK
Park Street/Broadway Ave
Age groups:
Kindergarten Preschool Schoolage
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Daycare Openings, Description and Features

Daycare description / philosophy

At my Family Child Care I strongly believe that it is through playthat children learn best. I feel it is my role to provide quality,interesting and stimulating materials and equipment to facilitatethis play. I provide materials that meet a range of developmentallevels. This creates an environment for each child to grow andlearn at their own rate, because each child is different andtherefore grows and learns in their own unique way.A lot of our “programming” occurs in the moment, takingadvantage of simple every day learning opportunities. Often wewill focus on a specific theme for a day.
I strive to keep my focus on the children’s interests and take mycues from them. The children and their families are my priorityand so this is simply one of the ways I try to show and give themthe respect they deserve. I provide a strictly anti- biasenvironment. My centre is open to any child and familyregardless of their abilities, culture, race, family structure etc.I have openings for Preschool, Kindergarten and School Age.
I am on busing routes to Arcola School, St. Dominic, St. Andrew & W.S Hawrylak School (french immersion).
I provide healthy snacks and structure. I have ran a daycare for 10 Years.
Please email for more information.

Daycare Features

  • Full-time spaces
  • Part-time spaces

Hours of Operation

07:15am - 05:15pm
07:15am - 05:15pm
07:15am - 05:15pm
07:15am - 05:15pm
07:15am - 05:15pm

Summary of reviews and ratings of Dominion Heights Daycare

The reviews and comments are community contributed content and are not based on investigative or verified data. It is merely a participant's opinion and should not be used as facts. ALWAYS investigate a childcare provider on your own!

Daycare Reviews

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List of daycares near Dominion Heights Daycare

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