The list below shows daycares in Downtown , Victoria or other nearby neighbourhoods. Aside from showing the daycares, the list also provides the distance from the center-point of Downtown
You may also want to check the
Victoria daycare search page to browse the listings in the city. Good luck with your daycare search.
Blamshard Street, Victoria
912 Vancouver St, Victoria
1515 Blanshard St, Victoria
3500 Uptown Blvd., Victoria
1002 Pandora Ave, Victoria
1002 Pandora Avenue, Victoria
433 Kingston Street, Victoria
Government Street, Victoria
433 Kingston Street, Victoria
421B Powell Street, Victoria
1222 Gladstone Avenue, Victoria
117 St. Andrews Street, Victoria
520 Niagara Street, Victoria
1240 Gladstone Avenue, Victoria
401 Moss Street, Victoria
1161 Princess Street, Victoria
1161 Princess Street, Victoria
1330 Fairfield Road, Victoria
149 Montreal Street, Victoria
1330 Fairfield Road, Victoria
1340 Balmoral Rd, Victoria