Maria Martins (Home Day Care) in Toronto daycare openings, reviews and ratings

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Maria Martins (Home Day Care) - Daycare Information And Reviews

CAUTION: always verify the credentials of the child care provider before placing your child in daycare. We do not endorse any daycare centres, nor do we check their credibility. Here are some points to consider while choosing a daycare center

Daycare's location map and information

12 Millicent Street
Toronto ON
Dufferin Street/Dupont Street
Age groups:
Infant Toddler Kindergarten Preschool Schoolage
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Daycare Openings, Description and Features

Daycare description / philosophy

Enjoys working with children and their families. Respects children as individuals.Respects parents as the primary persons in the lives of their children.Is courteous to children and parents.Likes to be in an active, constantly changing environment where the needs of children and their families come first.Has good communications skills, both verbally and non-verbally (Speaks clearly in English, listens to children and parents, does not use negative words or body language.)Is consistent and predictable in interactions with children and parents.Is positive in interactions with children and parents.Is considerate of others.Is alert and sensitive to others' needs and uses this sensitivity to anticipate what might happen in given situations.Is tolerant and appreciates the differences in others' skills, appearances, interests, cultures, and personalities.Is honest in both monetary and non-monetary matters.Has a keen sense of responsibility and personal accountability.Is intellectually curious, enjoys learning and helping others to learn and solve problems.

Daycare Features

  • Air Conditioned
  • Security equipped
  • Cook Onsite
  • Playground available

Hours of Operation

07:00am - 06:00pm
07:00am - 06:00pm
07:00am - 06:00pm
07:00am - 06:00pm
07:00am - 06:00pm

Summary of reviews and ratings of Maria Martins (Home Day Care)

The reviews and comments are community contributed content and are not based on investigative or verified data. It is merely a participant's opinion and should not be used as facts. ALWAYS investigate a childcare provider on your own!

Daycare Reviews

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List of daycares near Maria Martins (Home Day Care)

Bartlett Ave, Toronto
Infant spaces offeredToddler spaces offeredPreschool spaces offeredKindergarten spaces not offeredSchoolage spaces not offered
Bartlett Ave, Toronto
Infant spaces offeredToddler spaces offeredPreschool spaces offeredKindergarten spaces offeredSchoolage spaces offered
Infant spaces offeredToddler spaces offeredPreschool spaces offeredKindergarten spaces offeredSchoolage spaces not offered
228 Bartlett Ave, Toronto
Infant spaces not offeredToddler spaces offeredPreschool spaces offeredKindergarten spaces not offeredSchoolage spaces not offered

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