Ontario daycare centers, daycare reviews and ratings, listings of caregivers child care in Ontario

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Ontario Daycare Centres With Ratings And Reviews By City

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Ontario cities with daycare centers

The following list contains cities in Ontario with no daycare centres currently available in our database. If you are daycare owner, you can be the first one to advertise your daycare facility in your city,

Brief information on the province of Ontario

Ontario is the largest province in Canada in population; second largest in area to Quebec. Toronto is the Capital city of Ontario. It totals nearly 1,000 licenced daycares.

The Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA) is the current legislation governing child care in Ontario.

The CCEYA requires any premise that receives more than five children under the age of 13 years for temporary care and guidance in Ontario to be licensed by the Ministry of Education.

There are two types of licensed child care programs in Ontario: child care centres which includes school-based child care, and home child care offered through home child care agencies.

Ontario’s Ministry of Education issues child care licences under the CCEYA and is responsible for enforcement of that legislation. At least once a year, the Ministry of Education conducts inspections of all licensed child care centres and home child care agencies to ensure that they meet the licensing standards.

Licensed child care programs may be issued one of two types of child care licences: regular or provisional.

A regular licence may be issued or renewed when the licensee has met all licensing requirements. A regular licence may be issued for a maximum period of two years.

A provisional licence may be issued or renewed when licensing requirements have not been met and the licensee requires time to meet requirements. The maximum term that a provisional licence can be issued for is one year.

Ministry staff also investigate complaints received by the public about licensed child care programs and follow up on serious occurrences.

For more information about licensed child care in Ontario, please visit the Ontario Ministry of Education website.

For updated information on child care in Ontario refer to Ontario Ministry of Education - Child Care and Early Years information and regulations or Child Care and Early Years Information for Child Care Professionals/Providers.

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